UN Women welcomes the report of the Global Evaluation Advisory Committee (GEAC) and appreciates the recommendations and guidance provided by the GEAC. Since its inception, UN Women has placed great importance on ensuring a strong evaluation function in order to support the entity in demonstrating its results and accountability, using evaluation for decision-making and learning from evaluations to make progress in gender equality and women’s empowerment.
UN Women is pleased that the GEAC concluded that UN Women has strong central evaluation function, consistent with the findings of the three external assessments of the UN Women evaluation function. The GEAC also recognized the transformational character of gender responsive evaluation, which is unique to the mission of UN Women and extends to the IEO in its capacity as the custodian of the evaluation function. UN Women concurs with the GEAC conclusion that evaluation is central to UN Women’s mission as a means for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment. UN Women Senior Management Team thanks the GEAC for highlighting the importance of using evaluative evidence to inform UN Women policies, programmes and strategies, as well as in key international fora in order to further the mission of UN Women, which will also demonstrate UN Women’s commitment to accountability and learning. Evaluation will also be used to further UN system-wide efforts to reach gender equality and women’s empowerment as encouraged by the GEAC. UN Women will leverage opportunities for sharing evaluative evidence and informing decision-making such as through the CSW, IANGWE, regional UN groups and UNCT processes, as appropriate.
UN Women is committed to safeguarding and strengthening the evaluation function building on its strong foundation and taking it forward to ensure it continues to provide evaluations of strategic use to the organization and to the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Un Women Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) aims to be the leading entity on gender responsive evaluation both within UN Women and beyond, promoting participatory methodologies, sharing good practice, facilitating capacity development and generating demand for gender responsive evaluation. IEO has undertaken and continues to implement strategies for strengthening the quality of decentralized evaluation through various systems, which are explained further below.
UN Women notes the GEAC conclusion that UN Women must ensure decentralized evaluation is a driver for national evaluation capacity development through strong local partnerships within the UN and beyond. UN Women will continue to strengthen its work in national evaluation capacity development.
The management response outlines UN Women’s response and key actions for each of the recommendations of the GEAC report.