The evaluation of UN Women’s programme “Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality” (F4GE) generated the following outputs:
● A synthesis report of the overall evaluation of the programme;
● Four country case study reports for: Haiti, Jordan, Nepal & Senegal.
The evaluation found that the F4GE programme was well-aligned with national gender equality priorities and the mandates of UN Women and the European Commission (EC) “to work together in more than 50 countries worldwide to push for gender equality legislation and planning and budgeting…” (MoU UN Women-EU, p.1). It found the programme achieved results across varied national contexts by utilizing a flexible design approach and building on previous experience in gender responsive planning and budgeting (GRB). Partnerships were identified as essential at all levels and provided opportunities to expand the reach of the programme and its corresponding activities. Specific areas in need of intensified action were identified, with emphasis on strengthening national-level engagement and coordination with donors, including European Union Delegations, as well as improving monitoring systems to measure progress toward outcomes. A final conclusion stated that the potential for current results to be sustained beyond the implementation period existed in all programme countries (p.18-19 Synthesis Report).
The evaluation noted “the greatest single sustainability challenge faced by the programme is breaking the barrier between successful delivery of technical support and capacity building on GRB/GE and true institutionalization of the same” (p.58). The report further indicates that in order to strengthen institutionalization toward greater sustainability of results, it is essential that gender equality be high on government agendas, capacities exist to translate gender equality priorities into practical and actionable plans and programmes, and strong advocacy for accountability is in place (cf. p.59).
This Synthesis Report provides five recommendations that address the main elements of the aforementioned conclusions, providing additional information and guidance for UN Women’s future programming in the area of F4GE. In summary, the recommendations address: the critical components for development of a new phase of GRB programming (pp. 19-20); the importance of alignment between level of programmatic ambition and ability to deliver (pp. 20-21); the necessity of strong partnerships at all levels (p.20); the need to strengthen relationships with donors, including EUDs, at the local level (pp.21-22); and the importance of monitoring and reporting with a focus on achievement of outcomes (p. 22).
This management response addresses the main recommendations highlighted in the evaluation, while making reference to the ways in which the next phase of GRB programming, under the newly developed Flagship Programme Initiative (FPI) on Transformative Financing for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, will respond to the specific recommendations. It details specific actions that will be taken to respond to each recommendation.