Regional Programme AGEM "Developing Capacities for the gender analysis of the region's economies and conditions for positioning the women's agenda in the new stage of trade opening"
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Americas and the Caribbean (Panama) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of promoting women in democratic decision-making in Cambodia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the Programme Strengthening the implementation of laws on domestic violence, trafficking in women, rape and sexual harassment in Mongolia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the regional Home based workers programme in South Asia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of end of violence against women project in Cambodia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
End of project evaluaiton of UNIFEM's work on implementing the project "Deepning democracy women's participation in peace and politics" in Nepal
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the project Social Communication, Plitical Participation and Democratic Governance for Women's Empowerment in Morocco
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt) | 2008 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the Sabaya Programme
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt) | 2008 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Americas and the Caribbean (Panama) | 2008 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of Women's Economic Empowerment Niger Delta Project
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2008 |
Not Rated