Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Project final evaluation: Realizing the transformational effect of the Sepur Zarco reparation sentence to break the continuum of conflict and post-conflict related sexual and other forms of violence against women Programme EvaluationGuatemala2021 Good
End-term evaluation of UN Women/UNDP/UNICEF/UNFPA and UNHCR Joint Programme Against Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Harmful Traditional Practices in Liberia (SGBV JP). Programme EvaluationLiberia2021 Good
Evaluation of Advancing Women’s Leadership Empowerment and Resilience in Uganda’s Refugee Response (LEAP) Programme EvaluationUganda2021 Good
End of Project Evaluation for the KOIKA Project Programme EvaluationMalawi2021 Good
Mid-Term Evaluation Programme EvaluationChile2021 Good
“Mujeres y Políticas Municipales a favor de la igualdad y erradicación de la violencia” Programme EvaluationEl Salvador2020 Good
Final evaluation of ‘Raising Awareness of Gender Equality Among Young People’ in Japan Programme EvaluationStrategic Partnerships Division2020 Good
Promotion de la participation politique et leadership dans la consolidation de la paix Programme EvaluationCentral African Republic 2020 Good
Mid-term Evaluation of the project ‘Gender equality at the centre of reforms, peace and security’, funded by the Government of Sweden Programme EvaluationUkraine2019 Good
Final Project evaluation for Eid bi Eid project phase I and II Programme EvaluationJordan2019 Good
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