Evaluation of the regional Home based workers programme in South Asia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of end of violence against women project in Cambodia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
End of project evaluaiton of UNIFEM's work on implementing the project "Deepning democracy women's participation in peace and politics" in Nepal
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the E-Village Project
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt) | 2010 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the Project Functional Literacy and Women's Empowerment in Morocco
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt) | 2010 |
Not Rated
National Gender and Women's Empowerment Strategy and Action Plan (NGWESAP) and the Gender Support Programme (GSP)
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for East and Southern Africa (Kenya) | 2010 |
Not Rated
| Programme Evaluation | Policy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division | 2010 |
Not Rated
Evaluación final del proyecto "Hacia un nuevo imaginario social para abordar la violencia" GAMMA
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Americas and the Caribbean (Panama) | 2010 |
Not Rated
MyDEL: Women & Local Development Evaluation
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Americas and the Caribbean (Panama) | 2010 |
Not Rated
Mid-term evaluation of the Cities without violence, Safe Cities for men and women Programme
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Americas and the Caribbean (Panama) | 2010 |
Not Rated