Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Final evaluation of the project “Assistance in strengthening national capacity, coordinating, and creating effective interdepartmental measures to implement family and gender policies, expand women's contribution to national production and its growth in order to effectively implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 5, 8 and 10 and introduce a multisectoral approach to combat domestic violence in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (the Umbrella Project) Programme EvaluationKazakhstan2023 Very Good
Women Make the Change End of Programme Evaluation Programme EvaluationPapua New Guinea2023 Very Good
Final External Evaluation of the project ‘Gender equality at the centre of reforms, peace and security’, funded by the Government of Sweden Programme EvaluationUkraine2022 Very Good
Sustainable Dvlpt in Agriculture (Agrifed) MTE Programme EvaluationSenegal2022 Very Good
Women Peace and Security Programme EvaluationNigeria2022 Very Good
Prevention of forced migration and trafficking - resilience, ustainable development Programme EvaluationNigeria2022 Very Good
Final Evaluation of MWGE-Phase II programme Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Arab States (Egypt)2022 Very Good
Women lead and benefit from sustainable and inclusive peace and security in Uganda 2018- 2021 Programme EvaluationUganda2022 Very Good
Final evaluation of “Support for cross-border community dialogue initiatives with security and justice sector actors for peacebuilding in Mali and Niger” Programme EvaluationMali2022 Very Good
Agriculture résiliente au changement climatique pour la réintégration des femmes, la paix et la réconciliation Programme EvaluationCentral African Republic 2022 Very Good
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