Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
UN Women Global Evaluation Strategy and Corporate Evaluation Plan 2022-2025 Strategy/Policy EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2022 Not Rated
Evaluation of the SN 2017-2021 Strategy/Policy EvaluationAlbania2021 Very Good
UN WOMEN IES EVALUATION COVERAGE NORMS Strategy/Policy EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2020 Not Rated
Evaluation of the NAP on GE 2016-2018 Strategy/Policy EvaluationRegional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Turkey)2019 Good
STRATEGIC NOTE REVIEW - UNW SLE, 2014-2019 Strategy/Policy EvaluationSierra Leone2019 Not Rated
Evaluation of the National Strategy for Women and A Situational Analysis of Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Jordan (2013 – 2017) Strategy/Policy EvaluationJordan2019 Fair
Kenya Country Strategy Final Evaluation Strategy/Policy EvaluationKenya2018 Good
Global Evaluation Strategy (2018-2021) Strategy/Policy EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2018 Not subject for review
Report of the Global Evaluation Advisory Committee on the external assessments of the evaluation function of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Strategy/Policy EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2016 Not subject for review
UN Women contribution to the United Nations system coordination Strategy/Policy EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2016 Very Good
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