Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Programme d’Appui au renforcement de la participation des femmes dans les domaines de la Paix et la Sécurité et l’Assistance aux femmes et filles touchées par le conflit en RCA Programme EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2016 Good
Evaluation of UNW Support to the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) Organizational Performance EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2014 Not Rated
Mid-Term Evaluation of the CSW - Initiative Programme EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2013 Not Rated
Evaluation of the Contribution of Italian Funded Projects to Ending Violence against Women and Promoting Gender Equality in ECOWAS Member States Programme EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2012 Not Rated
Liberia Country Program Evaluation Programme EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2011 Not Rated
SGBV Programmes in CARO subregion Evaluation Thematic EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2011 Not Rated
UNIFEM/ Peace Building Fund project Evaluation Programme EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2011 Not Rated
Evaluation of Women's Economic Empowerment Niger Delta Project Programme EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2008 Not Rated
Regional Evaluation of UN Women contribution to Capacity Development in the ECA Region Regional EvaluationRegional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Turkey)2023 Very Good
Final joint evaluation of the “EU 4 Gender Equality” Regional Programme Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Turkey)2023 Good
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