Management Response

: Mexico
: 2020 - 2025 , Mexico (CO)
: Global Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics (CEGS) Mid Term Evaluation
: Mexico

The final evaluation of the first three years of implementation of the Global Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics (CEGS) 2018-2020, which was carried out between August 31 and November 30, 2020, covered the first period of installation and operation of the Centre from January 2018 to October 2020. Five recommendations were made in the final evaluation report. Recommendations were considered and incorporated in the Collaboration Agreement, Project Document (ProDoc) and AWP2021 for a Second Phase of the CEGS (2021-2023) signed between UN Women Mexico and INEGI on February 24th, 2021. Most recommendations will be implemented in 2021. A Term Review (TR) will be carried out during the second semester of 2023 to evaluate the efficacy of the Strategic Plan 2021-2023 and the achievement of its outcomes.

: Approved
Recommendation: Strengthen an institutional design that allows the CEGS to become a management and knowledge exchange global platform
Management Response: UN Women Mexico accepts this recommendation. On February 24th, 2021, UN Women Mexico signed a new Collaboration Agreement with the National Statistical Office of Mexico, INEGI. It included a one-year financial support with an AWP 2021 and a ProDoc with a vision to 2023. It constitutes a step in the elaboration an approval from the Executive Board of a Strategic Plan 2021-2023. During 2021 CEGS must improve its communication with Women Count Programme to be part and aligned to its second phase and to the UN Women Strategic Plan for 2022-2025. An internal review of the CEGS´s Strategic Plan during 2022 and a possible adjustment of it for the following two years (2022-2023) could be necessary. The improvement of CEGS´s busines model, communication and resource mobilization strategies must be improved to accomplish this recommendation. During 2021, CEGS will focus its work on disseminating research done during the last two years and strengthen networks of specialists to exchange experiences, practices, and knowledge using webinars, digital platforms, seminars, among others.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Focus on promoting the utility of gender statistics for public policies. CEGS coordinator in collaboration with Operations Communications Knowledge & data 2021/10 Completed Editing and producing the electronic publications of research done during the last two years. Elaborating 7 knowledge products and 7 brief documents for decision makers. Improve the dissemination with National Statistics Offices during 2021, using different communication strategies (platforms, webinar, seminars, etc).
Give preference to networking, and knowledge exchange: to enhance the creation of networks of experts, and to facilitate the dissemination of good practices and innovative methodologies in the field of gender statistics CEGS in collaboration with strategic alliances such as Women Count, National Statistics Offices, El Colegio de México, Regional Office, McMaster University, Women Count and the Centre of Excellence of UNODC. 2021/10 Completed At least 4 webinars during 2021. Planned and organized 2 during Q1, 2021. In collaboration with El Colegio de México and International Seminar on “Gender and Geospatial Analysis for the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals”, held on February 25th. Webinar for the presentation of main results of Gender Rapid Assessment Surveys of the impact on COVID-19 in collaboration with OR and Women Count. Results from México, Colombia, and Chile were presented in March 1first. In collaboration with Mc Master University, Ontario, Canada, CEGS will organize a webinar to present a book coordinated by Allison Williams related to Gender Statistics, Geospatial Analysis and Sustainable Development Goals where CEGS has written a chapter. The book was published in December 2021 In collaboration with the Centre of Excellence of UNODC, CEGS organize in Q3 a webinar to present results from the written Global Consultation of the document “Towards a Standardization of the Measurement of gender related killing of women and girls”. Statistical framework presented in the 15th meeting of the IAEG/GS second week of December. In collaboration with El Colegio de México CEGS organize a webinar to discuss methodologies to estimate differentials on morbidity and mortality among women and men due to the impact on COVID19. This activity was held internally for a joint review between Gender, Statistics and Public Policy specialists, on November 30th. Research was finished in Q4, 2021.
Identify those specific statistical niches which has strengthen the CEGS’s own identity, for example, geospatial statistics, and analyze the new needs of data, methodologies and technical innovation considering as an opportunity the COVID-19 pandemic context. CEGS in collaboration with strategic alliances such as NSO, INEGI, El Colegio de México. 2022/01 Completed CEGS included in the AWP2022 areas of knowledge related to gender and georeferenced and geospatial analysis, women´s economic empowerment, violence against women, morbidity and mortality and emerging topics. CEGS will have final drafts by the end of Q4, 2022. By Q4 2021 and Q1 2022, the CEGS finalized several knowledge products:  Research papers on gender and geospatial analysis: Gaps and innovations in the production of geospatial indicators of gender; Women's Economic Empowerment and Care Systems: A Geospatial Knowledge Framework;Femicide/feminicide violence: A geospatial knowledge framework ; Theoretical-methodological framework for geospatial analysis and gender statistics: towards the design of gender policies and programmes. All documents are available in English and Spanish and in brief versions.  Report on gender and COVID-19: The Rapid Gender Assessment Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 in Mexico (ENERICOV-2020), (available in English and Spanish and in brief versions).  Two studies on time use surveys: Quantifying Care: Design and Harmonization Issues in Time-Use Surveys and Measuring Time Use: An assessment of issues and challenges in conducting time-use surveys with special emphasis on developing countries. Both documents are available in English and Spanish and are accompanied by two briefs.  A book chapter: “Gender Statistics, Geospatial Analysis and Sustainable Development Goals” in the anthology Gender Matters Globally (ed. Allison Williams, McMaster University).  A working document on the measurement of the differentiated impact on morbidity and mortality for women and men in the context on COVID-19 in Mexico (with El Colegio de México). The CEGS initiated and finalized new research on emerging topics. In collaboration with El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, the CEGS conducted a study on Central American migration to the USA with a gender perspective. In collaboration with El Colegio de México, the CEGS finalized by Q2 two studies: a) Intra-urban indicators of gender inequalities associated with spatial entrapment of women with data from Metropolitan Areas of Guadalajara, Mexico City and Monterrey. b) Qualitative study to explore the phrasing of survey questions on time dedicated to supervisory care.
Enhance the internal communication within UN Women at all levels CEGS/UN Women Mexico/UN Women Regional Offices and Women Count Programme. 2021/07 Completed Preparing workshop with Women Count team during Q2, to start developing CEGS´s Strategic Plan 2021-2023. CEGS has participated in two work meetings with Women Count team, UN Women Regional Office for Americas and the Caribbean and Statistics specialists of different Regional Offices for the design of Women Count Phase two (2022-2025). A draft of the elements to be included in the redesign of CEGS for the Strategic Plan 2022-2023 was presented to the Executive Board December 14th 2021. A document with a proposal for an institutional transformation of the CEGS was finished. Women Count Phase II ProDoc established that CEGS will be aligned to the LAC RO.
Improve CEGS coordination and accountability with the Women Count Programme in Headquarters, to ensure that this effort is complementary with the Programme’s global data hub CEGS/UN women and, Women Count Programme, Communication and Knowledge and Data. 2022/01 Completed CEGS started preparing reports about Webinars developed during Q1. Knowledge products done during last two years and briefs related to this research will be sent to global Data Hub to be published. Women Count Data Hub has assigned a space to CEGS information. CEGS has sent knowledge products to the Global Data Hub. Briefs will be upload and disseminated from Q1 to Q4, 2022.
CEGS strengthening staff/HR capacity through various useful initiatives. CEGS coordinator with the approval of UN Women Mexico Representative and Operations 2022/01 Completed CEGS 2021 budget includes the increase of its staff thorough the integration of a Technical Specialist. It is suggested to consider the creation of a global roster of consultants in the strategic areas of the CEGS’s, to facilitate the coordination of experts, as well as the internal hiring processes of external consultants. CEGS commissioned two exploratory studies through Collaboration Agreements with academic institutions to strengthen the knowledge of emerging topics to increase areas for mobilizing resources first. INEGI could not signed a Collaboration Agreement with UN Women to support the CEGS during 2022. Instead, INEGI asked to sign a MoU with no resources. CEGS has not been able to increase its staff. CEGS is receiving some support from Women Count Programme and LAC Regional Office to implement its AWP2022. CEGS included the creation of a global roster in the AWP2022.
A peer review mechanism structured under a model that determines clear timing and methodologies is suggested. CEGS/ UN Women/Women Count 2022/01 Completed Strategic alliances have been improved with agencies of the UN system and academia to improve the peer review mechanism, such as UNSD Expert Group for the Innovation of Time Use Surveys, El Colegio de México and networks of researchers from US Universities, Cof E of UNODC, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, UN Women Advisors of Gender Statistics, etc, with whom CEGS has had several webinars and exchange of comments from different product knowledges. The AWP 20222 includes the actualization of the roster and the improvement of a network of specialists.
Recommendation: Define a global positioning and external communication strategy considering the existing opportunities
Management Response: UN Women Mexico accepts the recommendation. An effective communication strategy must be a priority for the successful positioning of the CEGS and its visibility as a global resource for data producers and users. A communication strategy must be strengthened through public relations, printed materials, mass media communication, digital platforms, and events, as the website as a key reference for exchanging best practices and disseminating innovative methodologies on gender statistics. Digital Repository must contribute to the process of knowledge dissemination. It is envisioned that all digital resources should be important tools to improve access to resources on gender statistics to better service the needs of National Statistics Systems, decision makers, academia, private sector, non-governmental organizations, etc.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Make visible its mission, vision, and objectives, also its added value and main products CEGS in collaboration with UN Women Mexico, Women Count and communications and Operations 2022/01 Completed CEGS´s Strategic Plan 2021-2023 will be reinforced by strengthening its business model and the communication strategy. CEGS was presented a first draft with new elements of the business model for its redesign for the of the Strategic Plan 2022/2023 to the Executive Board on December 14th 2021. A document with a proposal for an institutional transformation of the CEGS was finished. Women Count Phase II ProDoc established that CEGS will be aligned to the LAC RO.
Improve and enhance its website to disseminate its knowledge products. CEGS in collaboration with UN Women Mexico, Women Count and communications and Operations, El Colegio de México, the Center of Excellence of UNODC and McMaster University, CA. 2022/01 Completed CEGS´s website and digital repository will be reinforced by strengthening the communication strategy and by integrating knowledge products. 2021 AWP includes at least 4 webinars and its participation on at least one global event where the dissemination of best practices and innovative topics and methodologies will be reinforced. Planned and organized 2 during Q1, 2021. In collaboration with El Colegio de México and International Seminar on Gender and Geospatial Analysis for the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (February25th). Gender Rapid Assessment of the impact on COVID19 in collaboration of OR and Women Count, Q1(Results from México, Colombia, and Chile). In collaboration with Mc Master University, Ontario, Canada organizes a webinar to present a book related to Gender Statistics, Geospatial Analysis and Sustainable Development Goals where CEGS has written a chapter. Book was published in December 2021. In collaboration with the Centre of Excellence of UNODC organize a webinar to present results from the written Global Consultation of the document “Towards a Standardization of the Measurement of gender killing of women and girls” during Q3. Statistical framework was presented in the 15th meeting of the IAEG/GS and send it to the Statistical Commission of UNSD during the second week of December 2021. In collaboration with El Colegio de México organize a webinar to discuss differentials on morbidity and mortality among women and men due to the impact on COVID19. This activity was held internally for a joint review between Gender, Statistics and Public Policy specialists, on November 30th. Research was finished in Q4, 2021 Webinars to disseminate the Statistical Framework for measuring gender related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide) has been held during Q4 2021 and Q1 and Q2 and will continue during Q3 and 4.
Promote the creation of networks and groups of experts from different disciplines, identify a clear and simple agenda for these groups and to follow-up its compliance. CEGS in collaboration with strategic alliances such as Women Count, National Statistics Offices, Women Count, the Centre of Excellence of UNODC, and academia. 2022/01 Completed CEGS AWP 2021 includes the creation of a Roster of specialists, considering best practices and methodologies from other UN Women offices, such as Colombia and the ACRO to build it. CEGS could exchange names of this expertise roster. CEGS is including in AWP2021 permanent seminars or workshops with specialists in different topics to identify new and emerging topics with the idea of increasing portfolio and mobilize resources. UN Women Mexico signed a collaboration agreement with two academic institutions, El Colegio de México (COLMEX) y El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF). With COLMEX the aim is to improve the measurement of supervisory care using qualitative methodologies and to include more gender statistics indicators for women´s empowerment and geospatial analysis. With COLEF the objective is to identify pull and push factors of migrant women, youth and girls from Central America and to include a report of policy recommendations to better their mobilization process to the United States. In collaboration with El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, the CEGS presented results in a webinar from the study on Central American migration to the USA with a gender perspective. In collaboration with El Colegio de México, CEGS presented results of two studies: a) Intra-urban indicators of gender inequalities associated with spatial entrapment of women with data from Metropolitan Areas of Guadalajara, Mexico City and Monterrey. b) Qualitative study to explore the phrasing of survey questions on time dedicated to supervisory care.
Disseminate and transfer knowledge in a quick, effective, and low-cost manner (through blogs, briefing papers, and webinars). CEGS coordinator in collaboration with Operations Communications Knowledge & data. 2021/10 Completed In the collaboration agreement signed between UN Women Mexico and INEGI and its AWP 2021 CEGS has included at least 12 brief documents that summarizes research done during 2019 and 2020 to be disseminated. CEGS is in the process of finishing editing during Q1 2022. Knowledge products were edited, translated, published and disseminated in different UN Women platforms.
Along with the Women Count Programme, identify the demand from the National Statistical Systems (NSS) in the region and in the pathfinder countries to facilitate its global positioning under a complementary logic with the other actions developed by the Women Count Programme with the NSS. CEGS with the collaboration and financial support of Women Count programme. 2021/10 Completed During 2021, CEGS must improve its communication with Women Count Programme to be part and aligned to its second phase and to UN Women Strategic Plan for 2022-2025. An internal review of the CEGS´s Strategic Plan during 2022 and a possible adjustment of it for the following two years (2022-2023) could be necessary. The improvement of CEGS´s business model, communication and resource mobilization strategies must be strengthening with the support of at least two consultants from Women Count financial support taking into consideration that P4 position was declared empty after two public convocations. It is important to build capacities in CEGS´s staff to accomplish this recommendation. CEGS has included in its AWP2021 a workshop with Women Count during Q1 to start identifying some elements for its the Strategic Plan 2021-2023 and the alignment to Women Count phase 2. CEGS had the workshop with Women Count in July. By the end of October we received the ProDoc of Women Count Phase 2. CEGS is working on its Strategic Plan 2022-2023. A document with a proposal for an institutional transformation of the CEGS was finished. Women Count Phase II ProDoc established that CEGS will be aligned to the LAC RO.
In alignment with its global scope, it is necessary that the CEGS elaborates its deliverables and products in English In alignment with its global scope, it is necessary that the CEGS elaborates its deliverables and products in English CEGS in coordination with Women Count 2022/01 Completed This is directly related to CEGS´s budget. However, AWP2021 contemplates increasing the participation of international consultants during 2021. UN Women Mexico signed a collaboration agreement with two academic institutions, El Colegio de México (COLMEX) y El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF). With COLMEX the aim is to improve the measurement of supervisory care using qualitative methodologies and to include more gender statistics indicators for women´s empowerment and geospatial analysis. With COLEF the objective is to identify pull and push factors of migrant women, youth and girls from Central America and to include a report on policy recommendations to better their mobilization process to the United States. All product knowledges have been translated into English
Identify the main elements of a gender agenda, to guarantee the sustainability of the initiatives promoted, and the results achieved, in a coherent manner along with global priorities. CEGS in collaboration with Women Count and strategic alliances from academia and NSS. 2022/01 Completed CEGS included on its AWP2021 and AWP 2022 the elaboration of a portfolio with emerging and new topics. Through the elaboration of a Roster, the organization of seminars and webinars, and with permanent dialogues with academia and global alliances. The portfolio could help mobilize resources. CEGS has hired a specialist of mobilization resources. CEGS has been working with UN Women Mexico team closely to open new emerging topics to mobilize resources.
Recommendation: Improve the planning from the revision of the Theory of Change, its results framework, and its Strategic Plan for the new period.
Management Response: UN Women Mexico accepts the recommendation. According to the evaluation report, CEGS is considered in an early maturity stage thereby limiting measurement of its impact as foreseen in its Theory of Change (i.e. contribute to bring about a change in the way in which National Statistical Systems produce, use, and disseminate gender statistics at a global level). For its ongoing institutional consolidation, CEGS must work closer to Women Count to align respective Theories of Change and, in this sense, to determine impact.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Definition of short-term and mid-term goals CEGS in coordination with UN Women Mexico and INEGI. 2021/04 Completed Short term goals are included on the ProDoc document and AWP2021 included in the collaboration agreement signed between UN Women Mexico and INEGI, last February 24th.
Clearly identify audiences and recipients of products and/or initiatives. CEGS in coordination with Women Count, National Statistical Offices and Regional Offices. 2021/10 Completed Producers and users of gender statistics is the audiences and recipients of CEGS products. However for the second phase CEGS must prioritize geospatial statistics topics, innovation and other potential areas aligned with Women Count priorities too. Knowledge products has been uploaded to the UN Women DATA HUB and UN Women Mexico site. CEGS has developed research on building indicators for geospatial analysis, has completed an exploratory study of the causes and consequences of female migration from central America to USA and has developed an exploratory study on quantifying supervisory care. CEGS is searching for potential donors to develop research and methodologies for gender statistics on climate change and women´s empowerment through sports.
Review and update the Theory of Change jointly CEGS in coordination with UN Women Mexico, INEGI and Women Count. 2021/10 Completed CEGS has been participating in the global and regional consultation of Women Count Programme to determine its Strategic Plan 2022-2025. It is not clear yet if Theory of Change will be modified or adjusted. Because UN Women Mexico agreement with INEGI only has financial support for 2021, CEGS just adjusted Theory of Change and must wait until Women Count finishes its planning process for its second phase. CEGS has taken into account UN Women Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and ProDoc Women Count phase 2. CEGS finalized a document that includes an institutional transformation plan, with an emphasis on the alignment with UN Women Mexico as its priority. CEGS is also hoping that with the sign of a MoU with INEGI, UN women Mexico could have a Collaboration Agreement signed for 2023-2025. CEGS has been working with LAC Regional Office to determine which activities are going to be developed jointly during 2022, related to the Women count Phase II.
Recommendation: Strengthen monitoring and accountability
Management Response: UN Women Mexico accepts the recommendation. Specific institutional accountability system of CEGS should be enhanced considering UN Women’s rules, regulations, procedures, and internal policies. CEGS must strengthen communication with the operational management and administrative team under the overall guidance of UN Women’s country representative in Mexico and under the technical and programmatic guidance of the Women Count team in Headquarters.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Define clear supervision and accountability procedures. CEGS with the supervision of M&E UN Women México and Women Count. 2021/07 Completed CEGS initiates its second phase of consolidation reinforcing, as suggested, supervision and accountability procedures. AWP2021 includes strengthen networks and peer groups to have frequent communication and dialogue to discuss and make comments about what has been accomplished. Executive Board was held on December 14th 2021 with the purpose of presenting achievements during 2021 and its Strategic Plan 2022-2023. A Narrative Report from January to December was presented in the EB meeting.
Define a monitoring & evaluation system that enables having precise indicators, providing quarterly or semester follow-up. CEGS with the supervision of Women Count and UN Women México M&E teams 2021/07 Completed CEGS has presented since 2018, Quarterly reports to UN Women Mexico for RMS; Quarterly reports to Women Count and there are also quarterly meetings with M& E team. INEGI has required monthly reports to CEGS since 2019. CEGS presents an Annual Donor Report to Women Count every year and to UN Women México. The Executive Board has received an Annual Narrative Report too. Executive Board meetings are held at least twice a year. There was only one EB ordinary session on December 14th 2021.
Establish budgetary and management control tools within the CEGS, which consider a cost structure that includes all aspects involved in the achievement of the products, and that it should provide early alerts regarding possible deficits in resources. CEGS with the supervision of Women Count and UN Women México Operational and M&E teams 2021/07 Completed CEGS has its own budgetary tool that is used for planning purposes. CEGS must consider lessons learned from doing innovative research which produces amendments with consultants because it takes more time to produce this type of innovation. CEGS must consider increasing communication with financial department to be aware of budget expenses. CEGS´s team has at least two meetings a month with administrative staff, and finance staff. CEGS has had at least 4 meetings with Women Count to analyze the delivery of SIDA funds. CEGS has considered lessons learned from doing innovative research which produces amendments with consultants. CEGS has increased communication with financial department to be aware of budget expenses. CEGS´s team has at least two meetings a month with administrative staff, and finance staff. CEGS closed SIDA funds reports on September 2021.
Recommendation: Implement a sustainability and resource mobilization plan
Management Response: UN Women Mexico accepts the recommendation. A resource mobilization strategy was considered on CEGS´s Strategic Plan 2018-2020. For the first three years of implementation of the CEGS, INEGI was its the main donor, whose financing was considered as a seed fund. Women Count programme with international cooperation funds, supported the First Global Forum on Measuring Unpaid domestic and care work (2018) and the commission of two research on time use surveys methodologies (2019). The mobilization plan for its sustainability in short and long term must be reinforce through A P4 position was suggested to support activities specifically to improve the implementation of a sustainability and resource mobilization plan for the Centre for one year. CEGS received funds from Women Count to cover this position. However, candidates declined the position. According to the evaluation results, this recommendation is crucial to be able to continue consolidating CEGS sustainability.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Hire as soon as possible P-4 level position to reinforce the exchange and collaboration with UN Women Headquarters, to design and implement a resource mobilization plan, and to design a future business plan which considers the development of specific on demand-projects with new actors Women Count in coordination with UN Women México and CEGS. 2021/03 No Longer Applicable This a priority in the management response implementation. This would make the consultancy a shorter-term engagement in the interim, for example 3 to 5 months. During 2019 and 2020, Women Count in coordination with UN Women México opened two public convocations to fulfill the P4 position. As it was suggested by the evaluation process, the P4 position was going to be able to reinforce this recommendation. Three candidates declined the position, including a temporary assignment to support CEGS activities, specifically to strengthen the resource mobilization plan. Instead, by including in CEGS´s staff another Technical Specialist during 2021, the coordinator could start implementing a strategy in coordination with Women Count. To design a future business plan, CEGS could hire a consultant for 6 months to support and build capacities to achieve this recommendation.
Develop/enhance strategic alliances policy with related institutions at different levels to work collaboratively in the gender statistics area, and to jointly facilitate resource mobilization CEGS in coordination with Women Count and UN Women México. 2022/01 No Longer Applicable Work to be carried out by P4 position (to be hired) with the support of another CEGS Technical Specialist and under the supervision of the Coordinator. The P4 position and the Technical Specialist to be hired were canceled, due to a financial gap during 2021. Giving preference to networking rather than having leadership on thematic areas will help to have a clearer idea of the progressiveness when approaching different actors, in alignment with Women Count Strategic Plan 2022-2025. Women Count Strategic Plan does not include the CEGS. CEGS will be aligned to the Regional Office. To have the CEGS Strategic Plan completed for the following four years, CEGS and LAC OR need to define priorities and budget.
Promote the coordination of the CEGS with actors at different levels within its environment in the field of resource mobilization “to and from” the Centre CEGS in coordination with Women Count 2022/01 Completed The relationships with NSS are included in AWP2021 with the reinforcement of a communication strategy, disseminating knowledge products and using different digital platforms or participating and organizing webinars and virtual seminars or events on gender statistics (such as the dissemination of the Statistical Framework for measuring gender related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide) which is an important tool to better administrative records for national statistical offices, judicial and police systems, as well as health, academia and civil society). CEGS knowledge products are uploaded in the UN Women Data Hub, UN Women LAC OR and UN Women Mexico site.