Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Evaluation of the Gender and Governance Programme in Kenya Programme EvaluationRegional Office for East and Southern Africa (Kenya)2008 Not Rated
Evaluation of the GRB Programme?s UNV component (final evaluation UNV) Programme EvaluationEcuador2012 Not Rated
EVALUATION OF THE GRB/WPS JOINT PROJECT Programme EvaluationLiberia2022 Not Rated
Evaluation of the partnership between Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Local Governments and UNW Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for the Maghreb (Morocco)2018 Very Good
Evaluation of the Peace and Security Programme in Colombia Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Americas and the Caribbean (Panama)2009 Not Rated
Evaluation of the Programme Strengthening the implementation of laws on domestic violence, trafficking in women, rape and sexual harassment in Mongolia Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)2009 Not Rated
Evaluation of the project "Support to seed women for an equal, solidarity-based and sustainable development in Morocco" Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for the Maghreb (Morocco)2017 Good
Evaluation of the Project Ending violence against women and girls in Georgia (EVAWGG) Programme EvaluationGeorgia2023 Very Good
Evaluation of the Project Functional Literacy and Women's Empowerment in Morocco Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Arab States (Egypt)2010 Not Rated
Evaluation of the project Social Communication, Plitical Participation and Democratic Governance for Women's Empowerment in Morocco Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Arab States (Egypt)2008 Not Rated
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