Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Final Strategic Review of the Upscaling Gender Responsive Budgeting for Accelerated Action Towards Gender Equality programme Programme EvaluationPolicy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division  Not Rated
Evaluability Assessment of the Programme on 'Strengthening women's capacity in disaster risk reduction to cope with climate change in Viet Nam'' Programme EvaluationVietnam  Not Rated
The Empowering Women and Girls for Enhanced Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response in Borno and Yobe States, Northeast Nigeria Programme EvaluationNigeria2024 Not Rated
Final Evaluation of UN Women’s Programme on Women’s Empowerment in Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (SRMNCAH) Rights in Humanitarian Settings in the Horn of Africa (POWER) Programme EvaluationEthiopia2024 Not Rated
End-line evaluation for the Japan-funded LEAP III Programme 2021 -2023 Programme EvaluationKenya2024 Not Rated
UN Women Syria Programme, Phase II Evaluation Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Arab States (Egypt)2024 Not Rated
Promoting conflict prevention, social cohesion and community resilience in BARMM in the time of COVID-19 Programme EvaluationPhilippines2024 Not Rated
Final Evaluation of the “Governance of Labour Migration South and South-East Asia” (GOALS) Programme (Aug 2020-Jan 2024) Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)2024 Not Rated
Evaluation of gender sensitive Local Development Plans in Morocco Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for the Maghreb (Morocco)2023 Not Rated
PVE 3 “Communities resilient to violent ideologies” Programme EvaluationKyrgyzstan2023 Not Rated
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