Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Enhancing gender-responsive security operations and community dialogue Programme EvaluationNigeria2022 Good
Prevention of forced migration and trafficking - resilience, ustainable development Programme EvaluationNigeria2022 Very Good
Advancing implementation of UNSCRs on Women Peace and Security Programme EvaluationLiberia2022 Not Rated
EVALUATION OF THE GRB/WPS JOINT PROJECT Programme EvaluationLiberia2022 Not Rated
Final evaluation of "Access of women to production means for agriculture resilient to climate change" Programme EvaluationMali2022 Not Rated
Mid-Term Eval of "Accès des femmes aux moyens de production pour une agriculture résiliente face au changement climatique" Programme EvaluationMali2022 Good
Final Evaluation of MWGE-Phase II programme Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Arab States (Egypt)2022 Very Good
Final Evaluation Project Creating new avenues of resilience to sustain peace: Kaqchiquel, Q’eqchi’ and mestizo women pathfinders for peace at the center Programme EvaluationGuatemala2022 Fair
Women lead and benefit from sustainable and inclusive peace and security in Uganda 2018- 2021 Programme EvaluationUganda2022 Very Good
Final evaluation of “Support for cross-border community dialogue initiatives with security and justice sector actors for peacebuilding in Mali and Niger” Programme EvaluationMali2022 Very Good
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