In GNB: supporting women and youth’s political participation for peace and development
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2022 |
Very Good
End-Term Evaluation of the Joint Programme on Gender, Menstrual Hygiene and Sanitation
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2018 |
Very Good
Gender & Humanitarian Action - Final Evaluation
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2017 |
Programme d’Appui au renforcement de la participation des femmes dans les domaines de la Paix et la Sécurité et l’Assistance aux femmes et filles touchées par le conflit en RCA
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2016 |
Mid-Term Evaluation of the CSW - Initiative
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2013 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the Contribution of Italian Funded Projects to Ending Violence against Women and Promoting Gender Equality in ECOWAS Member States
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2012 |
Not Rated
Liberia Country Program Evaluation
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2011 |
Not Rated
UNIFEM/ Peace Building Fund project Evaluation
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2011 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of Women's Economic Empowerment Niger Delta Project
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) | 2008 |
Not Rated
Final joint evaluation of the “EU 4 Gender Equality” Regional Programme
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Turkey) | 2023 |