Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Making Migration Safe for Women (Phase 1) Programme EvaluationPolicy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division2024 Good
End of Project Evaluation - LEAP Japan Supplementary Budget III Programme EvaluationUganda2024 Good
Evaluation finale du projet de partenariat entre le Ministère de l’Intérieur – Direction Générale des Collectivités territoriales (MI-DGCT) et ONU Femmes, pour la promotion de la gouvernance territoriale sensible au genre au Maroc Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for the Maghreb (Morocco)2023 Good
Final Evaluation of the Women Peace and Security Project Programme EvaluationMozambique2023 Good
Prevention of COVID-19 Infections Among Women and Girls Displaced into IDP and Refugee Camps under LEAP II in Uganda Programme EvaluationUganda2023 Good
Final Evaluation -Preventing VAWG and Delivering Essential Services Programme EvaluationEthiopia2023 Good
Women’s Engagement in the Transitional Process in South Sudan Programme EvaluationSouth Sudan2023 Good
Final joint evaluation of the “EU 4 Gender Equality” Regional Programme Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Turkey)2023 Good
Project final evaluation: “Access of women to production means for agriculture resilient to climate change” Programme EvaluationMali2023 Good
Final evaluation of the project "Promoting resilience, self-reliance and social cohesion among host communities and displaced populations with a focus on women and girls in southern Sudan and Mali Programme EvaluationMali2023 Good
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