Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Meta evaluation of the NCOs WPS evaluations Thematic EvaluationNepal2018 Not Rated
Final Evaluation of the One Stop Shop for Sustainable Development Joint Programme Programme EvaluationPalestine2018 Good
Global Evaluation Reports Assessment and Analysis System - 2017 Meta-Evaluation Report Cluster EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2018 Not subject for review
UN Women's contribution to Women's Political Participation and Leadership Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2018 Very Good
Global Evaluation Strategy (2018-2021) Strategy/Policy EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2018 Not subject for review
Thematic evaluation of Women’s Political Empowerment (SN Outcome 1) Thematic EvaluationAlbania2018 Good
Meta-analysis - 2017: what can we learn from UN Women evaluations? Cluster EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2018 Not Rated
Final Evaluation of Promoting Women's Employment by Creating Safe and Women-Friendly Workplaces Programme (Women's Employment Promotion Programme - WEPP) Programme EvaluationEgypt2018 Good
Evaluation of UN Women Economic Opportunities work under LEAP/HA Regional EvaluationRegional Office for Arab States (Egypt)2018 Good
l’évaluation finale du projet « projet d’amélioration de l’accès des femmes victimes de violences sexuelles et basées à la justice et à la sécurité dans le processus de consolidation de la paix au Mali » Thematic EvaluationMali2018 Fair
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