Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Women's Economic Empowerment and Integration into the Value Chain of the Coca-Cola Company in Brazil, Egypt and South Africa Programme EvaluationPolicy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division2017 Good
Thematic Evaluation of UN Women’s Humanitarian Action in the Arab States Region Regional EvaluationRegional Office for Arab States (Egypt)2017 Very Good
Promoting rural women’s food security in Jordan Programme EvaluationJordan2017 Very Good
Fortalecimiento de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil que promueven la Igualdad de Género en Chile Programme EvaluationChile2017 Satisfactory
Mid-Term evaluation of GBG project Programme EvaluationMalawi2017 Good
Country Portfolio Evaluation for Malawi Country-level EvaluationMalawi2017 Very Good
External Evaluation of ACO EVAW Portfolio Programme EvaluationAfghanistan2017 Good
Preventing and addressing violence against women and girls in Albania, Mexico and Timor Leste Programme EvaluationPolicy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division2017 Very Good
Evaluation of the project "Support to seed women for an equal, solidarity-based and sustainable development in Morocco" Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for the Maghreb (Morocco)2017 Good
Final evaluation of the project "Strengthening women's capacity in disaster risk reduction to cope with climate change" (2013-2016) Programme EvaluationVietnam2017 Very Good
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