Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Review of policies and practices to promote gender-responsive evaluation Organizational Performance EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2015 Not Rated
Evaluation of UN Women's Normative Support Work and its Operational Linkages Normative Support EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2015 Not subject for review
Review of corporate gender equality evaluations in the UN System Organizational Performance EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2015 Not subject for review
Meta-evaluation of UN Women Managed Evaluations Cluster EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2015 Not subject for review
A meta-analysis of evaluations managed by UN Women in 201 4 Cluster EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2015 Not subject for review
Joint Evaluation on Joint Gender Programmes (JGPs) in the UN System Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2014 Very Good
The Contribution of UN Women to women's economic empowerment Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2014 Very Good
Meta-Evaluation of UN Women Evaluations completed in 2013 Cluster EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2014 Not subject for review
Thematic Evaluation on the Contribution of UN Women to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls and Expand Access to Services Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2013 Very Good
Thematic Evaluation on the contribution of UN Women to increasing women's leadership and participation in peace and security and humanitarian response Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2013 Very Good
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