Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Gender and Governance Programme in KENYA (Phase III) Evaluation Programme EvaluationRegional Office for East and Southern Africa (Kenya)2011 Not Rated
Capacity Development Activities in Southern Africa Evaluation 2009-2010 Cluster EvaluationRegional Office for East and Southern Africa (Kenya)2011 Not Rated
Defending and securing human rights of women in Darfur Programme EvaluationRegional Office for East and Southern Africa (Kenya)2011 Not Rated
Southern African Regional Women's Networks Evaluation Programme EvaluationRegional Office for East and Southern Africa (Kenya)2011 Not Rated
Mid-term Evaluation of the Programme ?Incorporation of the Dimensions of Gender, Race and Ethnic Equality in the Policies against poverty passed in 4 countries of Latinamerica (Brazil, Bolivia, Guatemala and Paraguay) Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Americas and the Caribbean (Panama)2011 Not Rated
Programme Evaluation of SAARC Gender Info Base of SAARC-UN Women, South Asia Regional Office Thematic EvaluationRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)2011 Not Rated
Final evaluation of UNJP on implementation of CEDAW Concluding Observations in the Philippines Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)2011 Not Rated
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Integrated Programme for Women in Politics and Decision-Making (IPWPDM) Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)2011 Not Rated
Liberia Country Program Evaluation Programme EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2011 Not Rated
SGBV Programmes in CARO subregion Evaluation Thematic EvaluationRegional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)2011 Not Rated
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