Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Women, Peace and Security in the Arab States - Final Independent Evaluation Programme EvaluationJordan2019 Good
Hemayati: Promoting Women and Girls' health and well-being Programme EvaluationJordan2019 Very Good
Promoting rural women’s food security in Jordan Programme EvaluationJordan2017 Very Good
Strengthened capacities for inclusive and effective women’s (refugees and in the hosting communities) and girls’ participation in decision making processes affecting their lives Programme EvaluationJordan2016 Good
Promoting Social Cohesion through Women's Economic Empowerment and Protection Initiatives in Irbid and Zarqa Programme EvaluationJordan2016 Good
Achieving E-quality in the ICT Sector Project Programme EvaluationJordan2015 Good
Empowering Youth to advocate for women?s human rights through volunteerism Project Programme EvaluationJordan2014 Good
Final evaluation of the project “Assistance in strengthening national capacity, coordinating, and creating effective interdepartmental measures to implement family and gender policies, expand women's contribution to national production and its growth in order to effectively implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 5, 8 and 10 and introduce a multisectoral approach to combat domestic violence in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (the Umbrella Project) Programme EvaluationKazakhstan2023 Very Good
Kazakhstan Country Office Country Portfolio Evaluation 2016-2020 Programme EvaluationKazakhstan2021 Very Good
Final Evaluation of the UN Women Project Empowering abandoned women from migrants families in Tajikistan Programme EvaluationKazakhstan2016 Good
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