Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Final Evaluation for the Good Governance for Gender Equality in Georgia project Programme EvaluationGeorgia2023 Not Rated
Final Evaluation for the Transforming Social Protection for Persons with Disabilities in Georgia Programme EvaluationGeorgia  Good
Final Evaluation for the Women in Politics Programme Programme EvaluationMoldova2017 Very Good
Final Evaluation Gender Equality and Women´s Empowerment in the occupied Palestinian territory Programme EvaluationPalestine2013 Not Rated
Final evaluation of "Access of women to production means for agriculture resilient to climate change" Programme EvaluationMali2022 Not Rated
FINAL EVALUATION OF "EC/UN PARTNERSHIP FOR GENDER EQUALITY FOR DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE" Programme EvaluationPolicy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division2010 Not Rated
Final evaluation of ‘Raising Awareness of Gender Equality Among Young People’ in Japan Programme EvaluationStrategic Partnerships Division2020 Good
Final evaluation of “Support for cross-border community dialogue initiatives with security and justice sector actors for peacebuilding in Mali and Niger” Programme EvaluationMali2022 Very Good
Final evaluation of Decent Work through Migration Programme EvaluationBangladesh2015 Not Rated
Final Evaluation of Economic Empowerment of Syrian Women Regional Project Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Arab States (Egypt)2017 Good
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