Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
End of Programme Evaluation of EC-UN Women programme Supporting Gender Equality in the Context of HIV/AIDS Programme EvaluationPolicy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division2014 Very Good
End of Program Evaluation: LEAP III Programme on Strengthening protection of women and girls from the disproportionate and adverse gendered impacts of drought and famine in Somalia Programme EvaluationSomalia2024 Very Good
End of Program Evaluation Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access, and Protection (LEAP II) Programme EvaluationSomalia2023 Good
End line evaluation of RNE supported project “Promoting Women's Political Participation in Sri Lanka” Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2017 Unsatisfactory
End line evaluation of “Combatting Gender Based Violence” (CGBV) project Programme EvaluationBangladesh2024 Very Good
End Evaluation of the Joint Programme on GEWE Programme EvaluationEthiopia2016 Good
End evaluation of “Preventing and Responding to Violence against Women and Girls in Ethiopia” Programme Programme EvaluationEthiopia2018 Good
Empowering Youth to advocate for women?s human rights through volunteerism Project Programme EvaluationJordan2014 Good
Economic Empowerment of Women Home Based Workers and Excluded Groups in Pakistan2017-2020 Programme EvaluationPakistan2020 Very Good
Defending and securing human rights of women in Darfur Programme EvaluationRegional Office for East and Southern Africa (Kenya)2011 Not Rated
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