Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Phase III of the Specific Agreement UN Women- CDI: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of CDI to Build Public Policies for Indigenous Peoples with a Gender Perspective 2011- 2012 Programme EvaluationMexico2013 Unsatisfactory
Évaluation finale du projet « Autonomisation des femmes dans l’agriculture grâce à l’accès aux TIC en Côte d’Ivoire » Programme EvaluationCote d'Ivoire2024 Very Good
Country Portfolio Evaluation Country-level EvaluationIndonesia2024 Very Good
End of Project Evaluation on Prevention of COVID 19 infection among vulnerable women and girls in drought-affected districts Programme EvaluationZimbabwe2024 Very Good
Joint evaluation of the Regional Project on Enhancing Access to Justice for Women in Asia and the Pacific Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)2024 Very Good
Final Evaluation of the Safe and Fair Programme: Realizing Women Migrant Workers’ Rights and Opportunities in the Association of South-East Asian Nations Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)2024 Very Good
Corporate evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to Women’s Economic Empowerment by advancing gender-responsive laws, frameworks, policies and partnerships Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2023 Very Good
Corporate evaluation of UN Women's support for capacity development of partners to respond to the needs of women and girls at national level Organizational Performance EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2023 Very Good
Corporate Formative Evaluation of UN Women's Work in the area of Climate Change Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2023 Very Good
Evaluation of Engagement with Civil Society in the Americas and Caribbean Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2023 Very Good
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