Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Country Portfolio Evaluation Country-level EvaluationUganda2020 Very Good
Economic Empowerment of Women Home Based Workers and Excluded Groups in Pakistan2017-2020 Programme EvaluationPakistan2020 Very Good
End-Term Evaluation Report "Prevention and Protection of Women from Violence Through Access to Justice, Services and Safe Spaces" Programme EvaluationPakistan2020 Very Good
Regional Evaluation on Norms and Standards for GEWE Normative Support EvaluationRegional Office for Americas and the Caribbean (Panama)2019 Very Good
Evaluation of Joint Program on Rural Women Economic Empowerment (RWEE) Programme EvaluationEthiopia2019 Very Good
Mid-term evaluation of UN Joint Programe “For Gender Equality” Programme EvaluationGeorgia2019 Very Good
Corporate Evaluation of UN Women's Contribution to Governance and National Planning Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2019 Very Good
Corporate Thematic Evaluation: UN Women's Contribution to Humanitarian Action Thematic EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2019 Very Good
Hemayati: Promoting Women and Girls' health and well-being Programme EvaluationJordan2019 Very Good
Formative Evaluation of Community and National Level Actions for Promoting Gender Equality and Engaging Men and Boys Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Arab States (Egypt)2019 Very Good
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