Mid-term Evaluation of the China Gender Facility for Research and Advocacy (CGF)
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2012 |
Not Rated
Final evaluation of UNJP on implementation of CEDAW Concluding Observations in the Philippines
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2011 |
Not Rated
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Integrated Programme for Women in Politics and Decision-Making (IPWPDM)
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2011 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of promoting women in democratic decision-making in Cambodia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the Programme Strengthening the implementation of laws on domestic violence, trafficking in women, rape and sexual harassment in Mongolia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of the regional Home based workers programme in South Asia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of end of violence against women project in Cambodia
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
End of project evaluaiton of UNIFEM's work on implementing the project "Deepning democracy women's participation in peace and politics" in Nepal
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2009 |
Not Rated
Evaluation of UNIFEM Responses to combat trafficking in women and children in South Asia: a Study of Approaches, Strategies and Interventions
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) | 2008 |
Not Rated
Transformative Approaches to Recognize, Reduce, and Redistribute Unpaid Care Work in Women’s Economic Empowerment Programming (3R Programme)
| Programme Evaluation | Regional Office for East and Southern Africa (Kenya) | 2023 |